Thursday, October 8, 2009

i didn't drown, thanks to honeybear

the storm wasn't too bad here. just some texas-style flash-flood garbage--and not even really as heavy as in texas. the wind was not terrible. all tolled, it could have been worse, but my feet were wet for a good chunk of the day, and that was not fun. i only had one student cancel. in my last class, one of my high school kids and i shared the sentiment that days like today are a lot of fun. a little adversity, something different, it feels like you are playing hooky at work/school. can you captain dan and still go into the office? a question for the ages... and for about three people out there.

i got some new game ideas, really simple, and had about three hours today to prepare for all my classes, and everything was wonderful. i wish preparation came in larger chunks of time... there could be so much fun had.

fun fact: although the moon is made of cheese, i learned today that it is also inhabited by rice-making rabbits. no mice of course, or there would be no moon. but who takes care of the rabbits, i wonder?

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