Monday, April 20, 2009

Animistic Paper Luminaries, Kagoboyama

Warning, standing and falling will be hilarious!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

am I going to need a new passport?

Rick Perry, you silly goose! Texas secession talk from the Governor is a really great idea. Worked out pretty well the last time we tried it. Let's go for it. I'm in. Call me Johnny Reb.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 15, 2009 (A Unique Phenomenon)

Hordes of individuals largely self-identifying as evangelical Christians will be teabagging in public. Did anyone see the end of Perfume? Take a camera.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

a problem with everything

Trying to put on my editor/critical reader's hat (it's a little tight and I don't remember it being this shade of green) I've been rummaging through old word documents of responses and critiques I composed at the UTSA workshops and in the group I named "Alligators" in my filing system, though I'm not sure there was ever a name properly applied, and one ought to have been. Regardless, I found a scrap that seems to be the only recorded sign in the excavated sedimentary layers towards possible cause of the near-total-annihilation of my thoroughness as a critical reader. I'm not sure how many metaphors I can mix into one paragraph, but I'm doing my best. My old responses were typed, at least a page or two in length, cited specific sections of work, represented attentive care with each sentence, and showed insight into the narratives they dealt with. Some event must have occurred around this period, because above this line, there are no discernible remnants. Nothing. Only silence. Here is the clue I have stumbled upon:

I am burning out. Going line by line by line on essentially powerful stories. I would like to say that I was moved. I would like to claim privilege. And only mention in passing, “this word seems wrong to me…this line is telling me what you’ve already shown.” I would prefer to sip Smoking Loon, and argue until 7:30 the use of the word “is.” And explore the philosophies of these divergent narrative approaches until 10:15 over dinner. No one really listens. When it isn’t necessary, why listen? But isn’t the workshop about the details? I do not care, honestly, and I prefer the argument to the grammar. Why should I have a problem with everything?

Have You Seen the Cherry Blossoms? (tohoku scratch vinyl spring)

Have you seen the cherry blossoms? Have you seen them? Did you see them this morning? There are some near your apartment, across the bridge behind the HOMAC.

Have you heard?

It is Spring and they are blossoming as we speak in a park not two blocks from here. Go and see. Go and see and take your camera. Here, look at mine. I stopped in my car this morning and took photographs. Here is one of a cherry blossom against a backdrop of sky and telephone wires. Wires that connect my telephone to yours, if you had a telephone.

If you had a telephone I would have called you this morning from the parking lot, and I would have described to you each one: this one is your sister when when she was thirteen; this one is your neighbor E; this one is for me, I can't tell you about it; it's too personal. You should come and see for yourself.

If you haven't seen the cherry blossoms, you should take a bus to the mountain, or we can ride in Megumi's car. She drives very dangerously, faster than I'd like and she doesn't watch the road. We will take her car and split the gas and see the cherry blossoms, lit at night by colored lights. There will be so many people there to see.

They are beautiful. Have you heard? Have you seen?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Our contemplations...stir us. There is...a faint sensation, as if a distant memory of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the grandest of mysteries... We wish to pursue the truth no matter where it leads. But to find the truth we need imagination and skepticism both. We will not be afraid to speculate, but we will be careful to distinguish speculation from fact. The cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant truths, of exquisite interrelationships, of the awesome machinery of nature.

-Carl Sagan

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gentleman Jack sits quietly inside, recalling that Merlin has been idle

The opening of my section two of the manuscript:

Never any further than a door. A window with meticulously wiped interior, exterior collecting dust, insects, fingerprints, water-stains, high velocity eggs. A bed collecting memories, obscure internal dialogs, and crisp photographs of distant quasars.

The door, unlocked, may be used to enter, but quitting the room is another matter. Permissions must be granted. Approval is difficult to come by. Water still runs from the tap and periodically refills the toilet. Newspapers gather at the foot of the recliner. The stories on their pages were set in type and plated many ages ago, perhaps even at the beginning of all things. Joylessness may be imagined, but in truth holds no meaning--stillness also may be indicative of freedom from desire or trepidation, of deliberation, or (why presume the lofty) that someone has been smuggling horse tranquilizers to your beloved mentor.

Through the mess of a window you have seen him frying up a tube of sausages. He spends days in front of the television, nearly motionless. Has he been using his magical powers to pay the utilities? His prophetic visions to determine the solutions to tomorrow's daily jumble?

It would be good, you surmise, to free him from this drudgery, but--it will occur to you--into what?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My New Site

It won't replace this one. Go visit it and be creeped out. Add a suggestion. And thank Kevin for the idea.

Various Death

And for those who disliked my Bachelard quote in the manuscript

"It is as though Baudelaire knew of nothing to shut himself in with but curtains."

It seems "for those..." just means "for Laura." Is this a better quote?