Sunday, April 22, 2012

concerning deep chess: streams on red kings: what am i doing? o god

concerning deep chess a wound inflected as woken all past property star and if I stare down pardoningly deep at possible maneuvers made marrow slow I’d ponder de nothing till nothing till severely tunicmade me I am a meadow yearning I am a nomadic yurting swollen piles of past principles asking what questions present mirrorflesh sage snaggletoothed hairlipped wise of sex stricken of lexical comparison brown brow And if I stop a moment as nice and pretty as you suppose and pose I’ll propose folded and resting at disuse on round cafĂ© table Ferlinghetti as one might guess his wild dreams his beg inni ngs and I’d heave out the new as beginnings are never anything but new white saucer plate crumbles of plain bagel and plastic cup of cream cheese serrated knife balances the dissected circle the milk film rings around a pint o coffee cup puddle of espresso and steamed milk settled lingering in the bottom of the glass like the political cuss hope or freedom meaning moneypins and blue ties dangling there are mens in rows alone along walls at these tables of wood pondering on the move clock of the woodmove black ivory diagonal or pawn concerning deep chess and two stacked with papers and books slenderthin papaerbacks chap in cap and green yellow spiral seashell pattern oversize lightcoat wandering the woodfloor the woodfloor that aches that aches crooked knots out straight with his steps to tickling my tickling toes the underneath between them are vibrations states returning then thought to repulsion in negative particles and charges and if my electrons won’t press against your electrons chap then vibration is the name of this deep touch game