Thursday, November 26, 2009

no turkey but subway... also, no subway

I had some sushi, bread, and nuts, and pretended it was turkey, yeast rolls, and nuts. Not even close to full.

There's a Subway somewhere in Sendai where you can get a turkey sub, and you can buy powdered gravy off of Amazon.

This will mark Thanksgiving number two where I didn't think my gut was going to burst. A little sad. And I hope everyone in the states is having a good day.

I couldn't be much happier than I am now, so no worries. Most of my students had never even heard of today, so I gave some of them little crash-courses in the traditional meals. Lots of food units, so it fit in nicely. No quiz, but that doesn't matter. This is Japan. If you tell them to learn something they just do it, without the threat of consequences... I know. But I'm not making this up. It's completely true.

My collaboration story with Lily, "Keys Let You Into Places," is apparently being published in Squid Quarterly. Which reminds me... I need to write something decent soon. I can feel myself becoming a poor schlub with no discernible talents or interests.

Okay, hadn't really checked in with mundane garbage for a while. Consider yourself updated.


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