Thursday, November 5, 2009

hopefully soon...

... I'll be back to my old self, or back to an even better new self, or I will become a beam of pure energy and require no such limiting descriptors as "self" or "old" or "new" or "my". Though I do hope to one day eat a decent taco again.

I have been sick on-and-off, it seems, for quite some time now. This time it is the swine flu. Or "H1N1"--I don't want to piss off the pork industry by calling the virus what it is. My sides ache from coughing. I am sick of being sick, and I am missing way too much work. I know there's nothing I can do about it, but I'm really worried about my school and me because of this. Maybe everything is ok, but I just lie in bed all day coughing and shivering and getting into fevered paranoia that everyone hates me because I'm sick. It's demented. Probably deep-seeded. Perhaps going back to elementary school, when I pretended to be sick to stay home from school... now when I am actually sick, I'm convinced I am also actually faking it.

A little window into my neuroses.

I'll be taking it easy for the remainder of the month, but hopefully I can get back out with my camera soon and take some shots. I've been growing lax there. There've been several instances where bringing my camera along would have been nice.


Rainey said...

Hope you're slowly feeling better. I hear ya!

Rainey said...

but swine