Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another Subdued Manic Phase

I can feel one coming on soon, so I may start posting a lot again. We'll see.

It's been a really rough week since I got back to Nippon. So much so that I can say that and it's only been like three days. Jesus. Lots of upheaval.

My plan is to get focused as immediately as possible on GRE study and produce as many tons of words as possible to place in a portfolio. I have until mid-November to get ready for a return to Texas, something I am excited and lost about at the same time.

Two writing groups, classes, a near-total absence of social life, morning vocab and math, weekend practice tests, classes, looking for monkeys, reading, taking stuff to recycle shops, sending stuff to the states, saving money, lining up work... and I have to fix my tax situation, no idea about overseas filing, but I am way behind schedule on that too. Yikes. Don't want to go to jail.

Thanks to everybody who lugged me around last week. It was an incredible time, both expected and surprising.

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