Monday, August 24, 2009

I do a lot of walking away around corners

But being a film guy, I want to see both shots, to linger in the moment after and watch quotidian set in, or at least imagine it. He begins walking more quickly, reaches in his pocket for some change and enters a seven-eleven. I don't have the shot list for the other side.

This month, the budget has to include the expensive coffee place, regular visits. It is the place to sit when working. I have been sitting on my wallet for a while. This past week was unavoidable. There was no wallet to even sit on. But there was money in the bank this morning, and when the supermarket opens, there will be food in the cupboard and that is a wonderful thing. To be celebrated. Not too heartily, there is the coffee place to think of.

Had my first Japanese lesson in a while. I learned some body parts, and I asked how to say perfect. "compiki" I think. Before that I could only say good. I was very tired. Drinking on others' dimes. Disinterested. I am thinking more and more today about fruit. I was told that I am a big believer in bananas. I think it will have to be a banana then. And I need to buy a gift, perhaps some chocolates, to say thank you for allowing me to live.

Chocolates are good for the saving of a life, I think.

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