Thursday, January 15, 2009

Clean Routine

Waking up early to write has been my latest addition to the routine, but I do not keep my apartment spotless, and unless everything is "in it's right place" I have difficulty working.

Instead of cleaning, I do what Bob calls morning junk.

Then if I make it out to the coffee place, I piddle in my journal.

This is all noise. Distraction. Distrust of the process, of self. Noise.

I thought I might exorcise it by putting it down on HTML.

Compiling lists of songs to teach grammar points. I have three or four classes that could benefit from this type of thing. And it's what I wanted to do coming in, but I am a novice. Rapport seemed more pressing. Now that I've got that, it's time, I think, to exploit it for my own silly hobbies and interests. I've been researching ski resorts through the interstudentnet.

1 comment:

M. Spencer, Ph.P.P. said...

Cleanliness is godlessness.

Or somehting like that... no, no, wait...

Godliness is cleansing your colon.

no.. no..

The routine of god is to cleanse the earth.

Yes, that's it. Drink the kool-aid.