Thursday, June 2, 2011

as per request

I've been told I need to update more often. So I'm updating:

The lease for the new place in Boulder is speeding its way to me now. I am so looking forward to signing it. My parents were kind enough to put me up these past months,but I drown in the suburbs, and I shrink away from others in my space. It will be nice to have a space that I have chosen again. Not since stoop days has that been totally possible for me. I also loathed my apartment in Japan, but at least it was mine.

If S. is able to drive up with me, we'll get a truck. If we get a truck, I will probably purchase a few new things to fill it out. Otherwise, I'm not sure where or on what I will sleep when I arrive.

I have met some interesting people while in SA. And by that I think I mean I have met one interesting person. But one's a good number, whatever the song says. She thinks I think she is boring.

Shot a film recently. Post begins soon. Hopefully we can get it finished before we all have to leave this summer. I'd like to attend the screening.

And I was given The Artist's Way to work through over the next couple of months. I have started and it seems in line with what I want to do, so I will stick with it.

Both C's continue to be sorely missed. The E's are not in contact. One a little.

I want to climb a mountain.

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