Friday, September 4, 2009

it is a strange land where parents--mystically--are unafraid of their children... or cps

I just watched a woman beat the crap out of her son at the supermarket while a synthesized "I Think We're Alone Now" played on the Muzak. I picked up some medium sized eggs and went to the bread aisle. Should the fact that he was being a real fucking shit make a difference as to whether or not I was appalled? Because it did make a difference. And I wasn't.

I once sat in a Waffle House in Missouri and watched a woman lift her granddaughter out of her seat, maybe four or five years old, she yanked her into the air by the arm and beat her about the legs and butt as hard as she could... it was for something like asking if there was any more butter... that was horrifying. Even more horrifying was the fact that nobody but me and the person I was with (Court) seemed at all worried about it. Still did nothing. What the hell do you do?

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